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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Giveaway and Count to 120 Club

I love a good giveaway! And 3 are even better than 1!

There are some great things! Go check them out!

It is officially back to school time! We have made it through the first two days, and my kids didn't forget everything we learned before Christmas! I call that a success!

Our grade level team has really been hating struggling with our new math series this year. It's better at facilitating critical thinking than our previous curriculum, but it is in a terrible order! Last semester, we jumped right into adding and subtracting. Most of my firsties had a tough time. So now we are on to counting and place value. Logical, right?!

For an easy and fun way to assess them, I started the Count to 120 Club! Each student will complete an empty 120 chart, and then count to me starting at some number before 120. They love being able to sign their name on our poster!

I am so glad that we have finally made it to this part of our math series. They are feeling so much more successful and confident--and enjoying math!

 On a totally different note, I have been scouring blogs, Pinterest, and Google trying to find good ways to use one iPad in a classroom. I am so excited to bring it in the classroom, and I know the kiddos will be even more excited! 

Does anyone have suggestions for good apps? Reference sites?

1 comment:

  1. I just was given ONE ipad for my classroom as well. And I'm all about free---I've been using the Reading Eggs apps (the free ones). Oh I wish I had my ipad here to tell you all that I have.
    Lakeshore has great apps but they are paid but if you can do that, those are awesome. I actually posted about this on my blog when I was given mine and was given some good comments. Check it out because it may help you (under the label---ipad ideas)

    And after reading your post, I just saw that Queen of the First Grade Jungle blog has a post about this today. So head over there and you might can find some great stuff as well.
